Bekhruz Otaev

Bekhruz Otaev

Principal Engineer

As a principal engineer, I have expertise in building and deploying full-stack web applications. My passion is creating robust and reliable web apps that meet client needs. I am committed to delivering high-quality work and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in web technology.


  • Frontend

    HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, Adobe XD, MaterialUI, Bootstrap5, Responsive UI

  • Backend

    NodeJS, ExpressJS, NextJS, Django, Django REST Framework

  • Database

    PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle

  • DevOps

    Git, Github, Linux, Windows, SSH, Apache, AWS (S3, Amplify, Cognito, GraphQL), GCP

  • Soft skills

    Communication, Teamwork, Team management, Project Management, Time management, Adaptability and Work Ethic

Work Experience

Principal Engineer



Shizuoka, Japan

Current Responsibilities
  • Managing a team of 6 engineers for an AI video chat system "Talk With" that has more than a million userbase

  • Maintaining a warehouse management system for a leading semiconductor manufacturer

  • Full-stack web application development for corporate clients, testing, deployment and maintenance

  • Corporate task automation with Python, NodeJS

  • Automated a warehouse management system that relied on manual labor on Excel up until recently. Employee productivity is up by 80%

  • Created fully-functioning and responsive web application for a startup to better communicate with its customers. Now its sales is up by 20%

  • Developed and currently maintaining a search engine platform for B2B trading for a corporate client. It reduced employee manual labor by 90% and increase sales output by 50%

Skill Badges

  • Python/Django

  • JavaScript

  • NodeJS/ReactJS

  • Frontend Development

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript


Personal Projects

  • Personal Website

    This is a space where I experiment with new technologies and practice my learning. It is constantly evolving, so feel free to take a look.


    This online translation tool is powered by Django, ReactJS, and PostgreSQL and is being developed through community involvement. It is currently in beta testing as I explore different features.


  • Uzbek

  • English

  • Japanese